S2 Ep 10 Balanced Literacy vs Structured Literacy

S2 Ep 10 Balanced Literacy vs Structured Literacy

Mary describes the differences between Balanced Literacy vs. Structured Literacy. There have been a lot of comments and editorials in the last few weeks about the “phonics folks” from some prominent figures in the literacy world. Let’s break it down without any name-calling over here. We recommend structured, explicit, strong phonics based approach to reading - just don’t throw the baby out with the bath water?! We also need the best strategies and practices to strengthen vocabulary, comprehension, independent reading, and all of those skills also require a skilled practitioner. To find out…. inspired by Emily Gibbon’s recent blog post how you can help your school gracefully transition to a strong structured literacy program. I’m sure this isn’t the last of this conversation! Thanks for joining us in the Reading Teacher’s Lounge.

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